Checkered Lace Knitting Stitch Pattern

Swatch of the Checkered Lace Knit StitchPin

Welcome to Day 8 of the 21 Days of Lace Knit Stitches Series!

Learn this advanced beginner lace knit stitch in the video tutorial below. There’s lots of basic knits and purls with a sprinkle of increases and decreases. Making it the perfect combination of textured goodness. :)

There’s no new techniques today, so we’re going to practice some of the knitting techniques that we’ve already learned in a different combination. That’s one of my favorite things about knitting. The combination of stitches is limitless!


Size US 13 {9mm} Knitting Needles
Yarn: Lana Grande by Cascade Yarns

Video Tutorial:

Pattern, Knit Flat:

CO in multiples of 6 STS
For my swatch I CO 18 STS

Row 1 {WS}: *K3, P3*
Row 2 {RS}: *K3, P3*
Row 3 {WS}: *K3, P3*
Row 4 {RS}: *YO, S1PW, K2TOG TBL, PSSO, K3*
Row 5 {WS}: *P3, K3*
Row 6 {RS}: *P3, K3*
Row 7 {WS}: *P3, K3*
Row 8 {RS}: *K3, YO, S1PW, K2TOG TBL, PSSO*
Repeat rows 1-8 until desired length.


This stitch lays nice and flat, so you don’t have to worry about curling.

I’m very happy with the outcome and I’d probably skip blocking it. I think it looks great just the way it is, but that’s my personal preference, to each their own. :)

Increase and decrease on the same row, so the stitch count is the same on all rows.

This is one of my favorite stitches so far, I think it has limitless possibilities. I’m looking forward to knitting a blanket and some placemats with it.

Lace Knit Stitch Yarn Options:

Read my article Best Yarn For Lace Knit Stitches to learn about the good, the bad and the exceptions when choosing a yarn for lace knitting!


* – * – repeat pattern
CO – cast-on {long-tail cast-on method}
K – knit stitches {K1 means to knit 1 stitch}
K2TOG TBL – knit 2 stitches together through the back loop
P – purl stitches {P2 means to purl 2 stitches}
PSSO – pass slipped stitch over
RS – right side
S1PW – slip one stitch purl-wise
STS – stitches
WS – wrong side
YO – yarn over


Up-close Photo of the Front Side of the Checkered Lace Knit Stitch
