Knitting Meditation Series : Day 1 : Create Your Space

I’m so thankful for knitting and all the ways it’s enriched my life.
Knitting Meditation is just one of them.

There are 2 videos today:
1. The intro, to help you create your space {6 minutes}
2. Start practicing Knitting Meditation. {10 minutes}

Before you get started on your knitting meditation journey you’ll want to grab a few things to prepare, which I talk about here:

Try using different props each time.
They might evoke different emotions and you’ll have a different experience.

I like to incorporate multiple senses. Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

Smell: Candle, flowers, incense, have a pie baking in the oven…

Sight: Flowers, pictures, fire place, magazine, vision board…

Hearing: The clicking of needles, rain, ocean, birds, soft instrumental music…

Touch: yarn & needles, wear your favorite clothing or wrap up in a blanket…

Taste: A hot cup of tea, coffee or cocoa, piece of hard candy… {I don’t usually incorporate this in my practice, but I’ll have a cup of tea or coffee right before to help me mentally prepare.}

Now you’re ready to start practicing…

FREE Knitting Patterns:

Grab the FREE Blanket knitting pattern here

Grab the FREE Hat knitting pattern here

Grab the FREE Leg Warmers knitting pattern here

Grab the FREE XL Project Bag knitting pattern here

Grab the FREE Cocoon Blanket Sweater knitting pattern here