Knitting Meditation Series : Day 6 : Set Your Pace

The amount of slack I have sets my pace.

What I like to do is pull a couple of arm lengths of yarn loose from the ball and put them back in the container, or my lap.
{Trust me, you don’t want to pull out too much yarn or you’ll end up with a ball of knots… that’s not relaxing now is it?}

As I’m knitting I count my stitches until I’ve ran out of slack.

I try to get about the same amount of slack each time and start my count over.

This way I can anticipate when I’m about to run out of yarn versus “worrying” about running out of yarn or opening my eyes to check to see how much slack is left with minimal interruptions.

FREE Knitting Patterns:

Grab the FREE Blanket knitting pattern here

Grab the FREE Hat knitting pattern here

Grab the FREE Leg Warmers knitting pattern here

Grab the FREE XL Project Bag knitting pattern here

Grab the FREE Cocoon Blanket Sweater knitting pattern here